Plexus v0.13.1

Package com.phoenixst.plexus.examples

Contains a number of example Graph implementations for the Plexus Graph Library.


Class Summary
AbstractIntegerNodeGraph An unmodifiable graph where the nodes are Integers from zero to a specified number (exclusive) and the edges do not contain user-defined objects.
AbstractIntegerNodeGraph.EdgeImpl Protected Graph.Edge implementation.
CirculantGraph A circulant Graph.
CompleteBipartiteGraph A complete bipartite graph.
CompleteGraph A Graph containing a set of Integer nodes where there is an edge between every pair of nodes.
CompleteTree A Graph which is a complete tree.
Cycle A Graph containing a set of Integer nodes connected by a path of edges from the first node to the last one, and then back to the first, making a cycle.
EmptyGraph A Graph containing a set of Integer nodes and no edges.
FileSystemForest A lazy forest graph of the local file system.
IntegerOffsetTransformer An InvertibleTransformer which adds an offset to Integers.
LoopGraph A loop Graph.
Path A Graph containing a set of Integer nodes connected by a path of edges from the first node to the last one.
PetersenGraph A Petersen Graph.
PlanarMesh An m x n planar mesh.
Prism An m x n prism, where m is the size of the cycle and n is the size of the path.
RandomGraphFactory This class contains static factory methods for creating random graphs.
Star A star graph with one central node and n outer nodes.
ToroidalMesh An m x n toroidal mesh.
Wheel A wheel graph with one central node and n outer nodes.

Package com.phoenixst.plexus.examples Description

Contains a number of example Graph implementations for the Plexus Graph Library.

Plexus 1.0
Ray A. Conner

Plexus v0.13.1

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